Soul Ages - Infant and Baby Souls

Soul Ages - Infant and Baby Souls

The Soul's Journey is quite remarkable to study. It allows you to be able to look at every soul with compassion and understanding. We are all on this journey together. We started together. But just because we started together, doesn't mean we are at the same place.

Studying the soul's journey, will allow you not only understand others, but it will assist in understand yourself on a deeper level.

Shall we begin?

Source casts off sparks of itself, the sparks separate into essences aka fragments aka souls. The sparks that Source casts off are called entities. An entity is a collective of hundreds of souls.  

So, we break off from source, get with a group of fragments who want to have similar experiences, that group is called an entity aka your soul family. Then the fragment breaks off from the soul family to gain experiences and to ultimately remember. The fragment goes through the soul stages, infant, baby, young, mature, and old, while on the physical plane, the first plane. Then the soul reunites with the soul family (transcendental stage) on the Astral plane (the second plane).

There are 7 planes. Physical, Astral, Causal, Akashic, Mental, Messianic, and Buddhaic. The Physical Plane is where souls feel and experience separation, isolation, slower vibrations, new experiences, and the beginning of remembering. The goal is self-knowledge and remembering, which leads to the expansion of consciousness.  

 There are 7 ages of the soul and within those ages are 7 levels. 5 ages on the physical plane and 2 outside of the physical plane.

Those ages are: Infant, baby, young, mature, old and then transcendental and infinite. 

Within those ages, there are 7 levels, which are Infant, baby, young, mature, old, transcendental and infinite or level 1, level 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. It takes on average 200 years to complete ONE level. That’s like 3 lifetimes. It really depends on how fast the fragment moves through the lessons, or experiences. 


The first stage is the infant stage. And here, for me is where it gets super interesting because I was able to connect what I learned from hypnotherapy school to what I learned from my past life regression classes, and from reading the Michael handbook and more. 


Infant souls are in their flight, fight, freeze development stage, we refer to this as the primitive mind. The primitive mind starts to develop at age zero. That’s before birth.  

You can also compare the infant soul stage to newborns to 18 months, which leads into the development of the subconscious mind. 

Infant Souls can be described as primitive, fearful and helpless, and untainted by life experience. Remember, think infant. They seem to resonate close to source because that veil between Source and an infant is thinner, therefore may demonstrate special powers like psychic abilities and having a connection with nature and animals, just like a child is seen being able to remember or know otherworldly things.  


Infant souls prefer to live on the outskirts of society, in isolated parts of the world where they can handle and take in the world around them and just be able to cope with survival issues. And if they are in a complex society, the early level infant soul may become overwhelmed. 

They focus on the body and how to use it, take care of it. They are learning how to exist in the world, in their environment, on a basic level of understanding. 

They experience the world from a view of this is my body and everything else is other or not me. They want to have raw and intense experiences such as being oppressed, floods, battle, etc. This is their integration process with the planet. 

The infant soul experience with sexuality is animalistic like in the beginning levels of the infant stages. Later on, they will ask how can I get someone to like me. Feeling attachments come in the later levels of the infant stage. 

The infant soul has to be taught what is “right or wrong”. They are inexperienced in creative endeavors. 

They don’t become famous or well-known because they don’t have the experience yet. 

The focus of the infant soul: “Where am I and who are you? 

I'm working things out through trial and error by way of primitive experiences.  

And to wrap this up the positive aspects of the infant soul are Simple, earthy, childlike, naïve, intuitive, living in the moment. 

Some negative aspects are animalistic, helpless, ignorant, frightened, aggressive. 

And in case you are wondering; I am getting most of this from a book called the Michael handbook. 

And I’ve made the connections between that and the theory of mind. 


The baby soul age correlates to the development of the subconscious mind per the theory of mind. The subconscious mind develops between the ages of 0 to 8 years of age. This is where our known likes and dislikes are stored. It is also where our unknown likes and unknown dislikes are stored.  

 I want you to keep in mind also, between 0 to 8 is where we are in a hyper state of hypnosis. And being in this Theta state allows for certain programs to be implanted. So, to make it make more sense, when we are kids, our brain is in theta state. This is the state in which one goes in when in hypnosis, so it is safe to say, we are in hypnosis between the ages of 0-8.  

 When we are in the hypnotic state, it is easier to be conditioned and programmed. We are more open to it. Our environment, you know the things that we see and hear, becomes part of our programming. 

 Per the Michael handbook, we can associate the baby soul with the ages of 18 months to 5 years of age. 

 Baby souls can be described as righteous, community leaders, role models, stand up citizens. They like structure, tradition, rituals, law and order, which provides Baby souls a sense of security. They have the mindset that everything has its place.  

 They tend to be unshakable in their beliefs and when presented with another Pov, they can become hostile and confused. 

They will fight and more for their beliefs. 

They believe in following the rules and seek others to comply. They oppose anything that might threaten their existing structure/beliefs. They do not like change! 

 Remember think 18 months to 5 years of age. Change can be scary for this age group and structure and routine provides them with a sense of security and stability. The same goes for the baby soul. 

They like traditional institutions that give structure and guidance. Authorities have the final word. They lack original thoughts.  

They believe in the idea of good and evil and that God is a male authority with the devil as the opposition. They want those who don't conform to those beliefs to be punished. 

 You can say baby souls create the structure of civilizations. 

Their focus or their mindset is “That’s the rule and that’s what we’ll do.” and 

“I need someone to tell me where I fit in and what I should do.” and “Do it right, or not at all.” and “There is only one way.” 

They have few insights into their own lives. They don't perceive that their thoughts, feelings, or attitudes cause psychological problems. They manifest their emotional difficulties into physical problems (psychosomatic). 

Baby souls flourish in places like the government and with titles such as Ministers, preachers, sheriffs, mayors, community leaders, role models, stand up citizens, etc. 

They are a little more sophisticated and a little less scary than the infant soul. 

Their view or philosophy is that there is me and other Me's and not Me's are dangerous.  

 Some of the positive aspects of the baby soul are good citizen, concern, loyal, family minded. 

Some negative aspects are unbending, dogmatic, operating more from emotion and less from reasoning. 

And there you have it you guys. The baby souls. 

The next blog we will discuss young and mature souls. 

Talk to you later, byeeee 

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